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Siltac SF
N/A Category: AdditivesDescription
Siltac SF is a greener way of plant protection. It leaves 0% residues, 0% chance of building up resistance and is 100% free of chemical ingredients.
The product is proven effectient against, among other things, psylia pryl larvae, lice, spider mites, white flies and thrips.
Siltac SF Special Formulation contains a unique combination of silicone polymer compounds. Siltac SF spreads quickly on the treated surface and creates a three-dimensional polymer structure. This structure controls the pest very effectively and immobilizes the insects, so they are quickly eliminated. Siltac SF is recommended for use in hard and soft fruit, (greenhouse) vegetables, ornamental plants and grains.
Directions for use:
- Always spray on dry crop
- Siltac SF needs to dry quickly for optimal effect
- Only use if no rain is expected within 6 hours
- Do noy use before a dew night
- Siltac SF has no effect on eggs
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